Free From 22 until 24 January Coupe d’Europe de Snowboard cross ! SPORTS AND RECREATION This winter, Puy Saint Vincent will be hosting the European Snowboardcross Cup! Puy-Saint-Vincent
From 25 until 26 January " Troll de WE" CULTURAL Travel...Travel! For its 11th season, the Pelvoo Igloo Village awaits you for an adventure Giant sculpted Igloo, exhibitions, projections, entertai... Vallouise-Pelvoux
From 8 until 24 January , ... From 27 January until 5 February , ... From 8 February until 9 March , ... From 12 until 23 March Igloo Pelvoo Saison 12 "Troll d'Histoires" ! CULTURAL Travel...Travel! For its 11th season, the Pelvoo Igloo Village awaits you for an adventure Giant sculpted Igloo, exhibitions, projections, entertai... Vallouise-Pelvoux
From 11 February until 4 March Atelier tampons ! CULTURAL Travel...Travel! For its 11th season, the Pelvoo Igloo Village awaits you for an adventure Giant sculpted Igloo, exhibitions, projections, entertai... Vallouise-Pelvoux
Free From 8 until 9 March Championnats de France de Snow bike SPORTS AND RECREATION Puy-Saint-Vincent
Free From 26 until 30 March Finales des Coupes du Monde ski Alpinisme Jeunes SPORTS AND RECREATION Puy-Saint-Vincent
From 19 until 21 April Sélectif national Descente Classique et Sprint SPORTS AND RECREATION L' Argentière-la-Bessée